Eaglechen @ 2009-05-29T09: 51:00
So, now I have the final grades of my written final exam:
SBWL 1: 1
WiSo: 1
SBWL 2: 2
I, I can be happy: D
missing is the oral end of June, but I need to really put it a little to the wheel, otherwise it will not work with the gifted.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Does A Period Irritate Herpes
Eaglechen @ 2009-05-24T19: 04:00
I wonder if John Barrowman not what would be my love
judy_adams ?
(Where I was in
SORION s LJ browsing, I had to think of it).
Actually, he is musical performer (Listen well, eh;)), but currently he is playing as the lead role of Captian Jack Harkness in Torchwood (please use only English, the dts Synchro is getting used to)..
He reminds me always to Kevin Tarte ...
I wonder if John Barrowman not what would be my love
(Where I was in
Actually, he is musical performer (Listen well, eh;)), but currently he is playing as the lead role of Captian Jack Harkness in Torchwood (please use only English, the dts Synchro is getting used to)..
He reminds me always to Kevin Tarte ...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Trash Smasher By Hand
had so long no more memes:) Eaglechen
Stole at
rules: first
Answer the questions and post them to your journal
second Replace a question with a new one and add additional Recently added another third
Tag eight other people
first What perfume do you use now?
Armani Code Femme ... there's nothing more fitting for me. If it were not so expensive.
second Song of the day?
"Sleep" by "Poets of the Fall". It is Dewis guilt!
third Do you have any passion for collecting?
music boxes and hardcover books
4th What is your highlight of the day?
Um, I've now finally managed to read this &)(/&)$%()/?(=) FanFiction? Why do we really wasted his time with such a stupor?
5th What do you must learn?
tango dancing! And really cook. And to speak fluent English / read / write. And possibly even learn a foreign language. And so many other things ...
6th What did you last buy?
the weekly shopping and ingredients for the cake on Wednesday.
7th What is your favorite animal?
8th What is your main goal right now?
My new job in the IDF to cope somehow and build a well-stocked library.
9th What are you reading now?
Ishmael by Barbara Hambly;) Some (other) FFs.
really still "The Book Thief," but the book is its broke my exam preparation.
"The Robinson Crusoe Syndrome and what you can do about it" to prepare me for my work.
10th What is your eye color?
11th What would you do if you could change about you?
freedman, objective and quick-witted to be. May come of age:)
Let me know more about the current economy and politics. I forget easily.
12th If you are anywhere in the world for the next few hours, could you'd like to find?
somewhere on the land, preferably in Grandma's garden with a refreshing iced coffee or in the Zittau mountains. The home is calling ...
13th What's important to you with friends?
that, even if you can not hear each other a long time, still everything is as it was.
humor, confidence, the feeling of belonging together
14th Who would you like to meet? No specific
15th What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe?
My new black turtleneck
16th What is your dream job?
If I could, I would probably implement a little-girl dream and fashion design.
But in itself, I have found my "realistic" dream job and am very happy.
17th Can you curl your tongue?
Yo. My mother can touch her tongue even the tip of the nose. And is it very far up XD
18th 3 things that you put a smile on his face:
The smile of another person, compliments, a good song.
20th What is currently your favorite song?
I hear right now quite a few good songs, unfortunately I hear them out quickly ... In short: I can not say.
21st What is your favorite show?
currently? Star Trek TOS The XD Simspons still.
22nd What did you just on?
trousers and short sleeve sweat jacket. Gammel Klamotte wait:)
23rd What's your favorite Naschzeug?
chocolate and rice cakes with Ankopaste * _ *
24th What are you playing right now the most?
If, then Guild Wars.
25th What's your sign?
26th What color hair do you have?
My natural hair color, hard to believe! :)
Gold Blonde
27th What do you think of cooking together with friends?
difficult, it is doubtful whether my friends would survive it. I'm quite bossy in the kitchen and quickly annoyed:) Let me rather alone in my district.
28th Your favorite color?
Viollet and dark green
29th Your worst habits?
to eat too much, arg! And can not stop.
I always take with your hands in the face, narf.
30th What do you like do not like at all?
ironing and window cleaning, brrr. If I were rich, I would always have a cleaning woman. And my clothes would end up in the cleaning.
31st Where would you like to Mezedhes? First
Germany explore, I would like to go back to Elba, Japan and see ... oh there is so much to see what I wöllte.
32nd What would you most like to do now? Crouching
with a cool glass of ice wine in a meadow with sunshine and let your soul. Alternatively, chat with Chris here:)
Take the meme can everyone likes that! :)
Stole at
rules: first
Answer the questions and post them to your journal
second Replace a question with a new one and add additional Recently added another third
Tag eight other people
first What perfume do you use now?
Armani Code Femme ... there's nothing more fitting for me. If it were not so expensive.
second Song of the day?
"Sleep" by "Poets of the Fall". It is Dewis guilt!
third Do you have any passion for collecting?
music boxes and hardcover books
4th What is your highlight of the day?
Um, I've now finally managed to read this &)(/&)$%()/?(=) FanFiction? Why do we really wasted his time with such a stupor?
5th What do you must learn?
tango dancing! And really cook. And to speak fluent English / read / write. And possibly even learn a foreign language. And so many other things ...
6th What did you last buy?
the weekly shopping and ingredients for the cake on Wednesday.
7th What is your favorite animal?
8th What is your main goal right now?
My new job in the IDF to cope somehow and build a well-stocked library.
9th What are you reading now?
Ishmael by Barbara Hambly;) Some (other) FFs.
really still "The Book Thief," but the book is its broke my exam preparation.
"The Robinson Crusoe Syndrome and what you can do about it" to prepare me for my work.
10th What is your eye color?
11th What would you do if you could change about you?
freedman, objective and quick-witted to be. May come of age:)
Let me know more about the current economy and politics. I forget easily.
12th If you are anywhere in the world for the next few hours, could you'd like to find?
somewhere on the land, preferably in Grandma's garden with a refreshing iced coffee or in the Zittau mountains. The home is calling ...
13th What's important to you with friends?
that, even if you can not hear each other a long time, still everything is as it was.
humor, confidence, the feeling of belonging together
14th Who would you like to meet? No specific
15th What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe?
My new black turtleneck
16th What is your dream job?
If I could, I would probably implement a little-girl dream and fashion design.
But in itself, I have found my "realistic" dream job and am very happy.
17th Can you curl your tongue?
Yo. My mother can touch her tongue even the tip of the nose. And is it very far up XD
18th 3 things that you put a smile on his face:
The smile of another person, compliments, a good song.
20th What is currently your favorite song?
I hear right now quite a few good songs, unfortunately I hear them out quickly ... In short: I can not say.
21st What is your favorite show?
currently? Star Trek TOS The XD Simspons still.
22nd What did you just on?
trousers and short sleeve sweat jacket. Gammel Klamotte wait:)
23rd What's your favorite Naschzeug?
chocolate and rice cakes with Ankopaste * _ *
24th What are you playing right now the most?
If, then Guild Wars.
25th What's your sign?
26th What color hair do you have?
My natural hair color, hard to believe! :)
Gold Blonde
27th What do you think of cooking together with friends?
difficult, it is doubtful whether my friends would survive it. I'm quite bossy in the kitchen and quickly annoyed:) Let me rather alone in my district.
28th Your favorite color?
Viollet and dark green
29th Your worst habits?
to eat too much, arg! And can not stop.
I always take with your hands in the face, narf.
30th What do you like do not like at all?
ironing and window cleaning, brrr. If I were rich, I would always have a cleaning woman. And my clothes would end up in the cleaning.
31st Where would you like to Mezedhes? First
Germany explore, I would like to go back to Elba, Japan and see ... oh there is so much to see what I wöllte.
32nd What would you most like to do now? Crouching
with a cool glass of ice wine in a meadow with sunshine and let your soul. Alternatively, chat with Chris here:)
Take the meme can everyone likes that! :)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Do Bone Density Scales Work?
Updates 2009 (# 1)
Hello guys, After a very long
silence (for Which We deeply apologize), Dark Moon Entertainment returns with a couple of news including a huge update of our website . There you will find a selection of pictures, further information on the movies, cast and crew as well as out promo teaser and 2 special videos. Just take a look around!
Our livejournal will soon archieve some improvements, too. In addition to the introduction of bilingual entries, the older entries have been tagged. This makes it a lot easier for everyone to navigate the journal and find interesting issues and entries. You'll find the tags under the heading "tags" in the sidebar of this journal.
Furthermore the crew will pipe up! With the so called »Directors' Blog« our production team will grant you a look behind the scenes. This includes reports on shootings and information on what's going on in the cutting room. A The first issue should be posted by the beginning of next week. More specials are planned.
We'd like to thank you for your patience. We are sorry to have kept you waiting long time for search, but now we're proceeding fast forward. We hope you stayed tuned:) Best regards
The Dark Moon team
Hello out there,
after it was long closed to us, turns Dark Moon Entertainment back with some updates, starting with updating the website . There is now a selection of pictures, info on the movies, the cast and crew as well as our Promo Teaser and 2 special videos. Just look at exactly!
also our Livejournal will soon learn a few new features: In addition to the introduction of bilingual entries for German and international audiences, were provided all the old entries with categories (tags ). These facilitate the navigation and help on topics of interest and entries will be faster. You can find them in the sidebar under the heading tags .
addition, the crew will have a say. With the "Directors 'Blog' is the production team information on the happenings during the shooting days and in the editing room. This of course includes many photos, screenshots and the like. This as small taste of our extensive making-of. More such ideas are being planned.
Thank you all for your patience! We have kept you waiting really long, but now it goes forward with great strides. We hope you stay tuned;)
Your Dark Moon team
Hello guys, After a very long
silence (for Which We deeply apologize), Dark Moon Entertainment returns with a couple of news including a huge update of our website . There you will find a selection of pictures, further information on the movies, cast and crew as well as out promo teaser and 2 special videos. Just take a look around!
Our livejournal will soon archieve some improvements, too. In addition to the introduction of bilingual entries, the older entries have been tagged. This makes it a lot easier for everyone to navigate the journal and find interesting issues and entries. You'll find the tags under the heading "tags" in the sidebar of this journal.
Furthermore the crew will pipe up! With the so called »Directors' Blog« our production team will grant you a look behind the scenes. This includes reports on shootings and information on what's going on in the cutting room. A The first issue should be posted by the beginning of next week. More specials are planned.
We'd like to thank you for your patience. We are sorry to have kept you waiting long time for search, but now we're proceeding fast forward. We hope you stayed tuned:) Best regards
The Dark Moon team
Hello out there,
after it was long closed to us, turns Dark Moon Entertainment back with some updates, starting with updating the website . There is now a selection of pictures, info on the movies, the cast and crew as well as our Promo Teaser and 2 special videos. Just look at exactly!
also our Livejournal will soon learn a few new features: In addition to the introduction of bilingual entries for German and international audiences, were provided all the old entries with categories (tags ). These facilitate the navigation and help on topics of interest and entries will be faster. You can find them in the sidebar under the heading tags .
addition, the crew will have a say. With the "Directors 'Blog' is the production team information on the happenings during the shooting days and in the editing room. This of course includes many photos, screenshots and the like. This as small taste of our extensive making-of. More such ideas are being planned.
Thank you all for your patience! We have kept you waiting really long, but now it goes forward with great strides. We hope you stay tuned;)
Your Dark Moon team
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Antique Projectors Prices
@ 2009-05-22T07:40:00
advance: Star Trek I have before 1 1 / 2 weeks seen, also wrote a long entry to create, but somehow I never got to finish writing it: that's why short: I was excited, apart from a few little things. And I'm looking forward to the hopefully the next movie to see more of McCoy:)
Next: If my test results continue to look like so far (two notes I have), I will apply for gifted education for young professionals and then to a fernuni next to my work study at the IDF. But what?
Potsdam offers me "Library and Information Science", the perfect setup for my education, but is there:
Required Items:
- Completed training in libraries
- Three years of professional experience
two together, the three years is equivalent to the training or ... ? I must ask again. If I had three years of professional work before I can finally study, would have done with the gifted.
In Hagen distance I would possibly tend to 'Political and Administrative Sciences, vll but also to "Economics".
former would fit better in my profession, the latter interests me more.
should at least take an entrance examination for both I, as I have only technical college.
Study of studying at will? Maybe.
But actually it's more to me about not stopping.
on my future work I will be all alone, what gives me many advantages, but lack of communication with like-minded colleagues.
And at a 3 / 4 point, I have not the time to engage myself with studying, especially since this would then also be largely financed by a scholarship. Why should I not use then?
Well, we wait for the last two notes ... :) Especially for
advance: Star Trek I have before 1 1 / 2 weeks seen, also wrote a long entry to create, but somehow I never got to finish writing it: that's why short: I was excited, apart from a few little things. And I'm looking forward to the hopefully the next movie to see more of McCoy:)
Next: If my test results continue to look like so far (two notes I have), I will apply for gifted education for young professionals and then to a fernuni next to my work study at the IDF. But what?
Potsdam offers me "Library and Information Science", the perfect setup for my education, but is there:
Required Items:
- Completed training in libraries
- Three years of professional experience
two together, the three years is equivalent to the training or ... ? I must ask again. If I had three years of professional work before I can finally study, would have done with the gifted.
In Hagen distance I would possibly tend to 'Political and Administrative Sciences, vll but also to "Economics".
former would fit better in my profession, the latter interests me more.
should at least take an entrance examination for both I, as I have only technical college.
Study of studying at will? Maybe.
But actually it's more to me about not stopping.
on my future work I will be all alone, what gives me many advantages, but lack of communication with like-minded colleagues.
And at a 3 / 4 point, I have not the time to engage myself with studying, especially since this would then also be largely financed by a scholarship. Why should I not use then?
Well, we wait for the last two notes ... :) Especially for
Thursday, May 14, 2009
How To Start A Home Bakery In Nyc
eaglechen @ 2009-05-14T09:12:00
ESDA , but also for all others, by her colleagues are driven mad:
hitting them back!
Sometimes you have to click a little article but at web.de:) Yesterday, when I
hitting them back!
Sometimes you have to click a little article but at web.de:) Yesterday, when I
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Best Low Light Sony 3ccd
eaglechen @ 2009-05-03T11:07:00
"Star Trek: The Voyage Home" have seen, I asked myself in the final scene that Vulcans can swim well. Finally, they usually
live on a desert planet
XD Edit: Ahahahahahahahaha Give me more such fanvid XD
"Star Trek: The Voyage Home" have seen, I asked myself in the final scene that Vulcans can swim well. Finally, they usually
live on a desert planet
XD Edit: Ahahahahahahahaha Give me more such fanvid XD
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Wisdom Teeth Infection Palsy
I should not have to do. No way!
And yet ...
... I did it ...
... I've seen "The Search for Spock"!
So I'm sorry, but this movie contains so much slash potential, you could well be the opinion Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner have drawn before shooting still a good amount of FanFictions through the nose.
I should not have to do. No way!
And yet ...
... I did it ...
... I've seen "The Search for Spock"!
So I'm sorry, but this movie contains so much slash potential, you could well be the opinion Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner have drawn before shooting still a good amount of FanFictions through the nose.
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