The Affair: Obama, Mumu, and the people around
We were sitting in a Moscow cafe, discussing sex. "90 percent of the people who are now sitting around us to be seduced by a stranger to have sex without further "Let my colleague claimed N.
I looked around me. 90 percent of visitors were estimated visually under 40 All people who make this establishment routinely loose € 30 for lunch. Most had at first calmly and confidently. With my untrained and probably naive view I could see no indication that would be simply be switched to a headless Piratensex. Damn - my colleague N. really right?
the occasion to discuss the latest story delivered with the famous Moscow satirist Viktor S. is on the Internet for a few weeks recording in circulation: The author dressed only with a condom Since the middle of the jump. His partner Katja G. (nicknamed "Mumu") - a now famous bitch, by the unselfish loyal - or even well-paid - Peeping Toms is used against dissident members of the male sex as Rufmörderin. In addition to Viktor S. already two young politicians, writers and a slanting the editor of Russian Newsweek version of Kathy's have stayed in bed. Everything now beautifully documented and made available to the public via the Internet. My colleague
N. was upset in the case of Viktor S. especially about the intrusion into the private sphere. I was rather disappointed that of all Viktor S. (the other "victims" were to me, frankly, no matter) had to step into my foot. As an opposition politician (as such, it has also operated and even a candidate for parliament), as well as an intact 50-year-old father, he should have been more prudent, I said. N
My colleague replied: "I will not believe you, you should say now that you have never been a stranger." What they screwed up, unfortunately, the whole discussion, because an argumentum ad hominem rather mediocre makes any debate.
shame really, because this topic has many aspects worthy of discussion. For example: Is there a difference between the paparazzi in the civil service and in the service of the Boulevard? Or: Where is the boundary between a minor offense and a socially and morally unacceptable behavior? Who or what determines these differences, and who draws this line?
Or: How is it today ordered to the lovely phrase "Quod licet jovi non licet Bovi"? "What is permitted to Jupiter, the cattle is not allowed" - this applies only to companies today, which is still stuck in the ancient legal concepts? Or does today have the "cattle", as it is to go long?
The brand new story with the (alleged) affair with the lovely Mr Obama - as was they still? - Assistant makes all these facets still red hot. With Bill Clinton we have seen something similar a few years already. Well noted: critical issues was at that time, at least in terms of impeachment, not the fact that a certain young woman - what was her name? - Certain parts of the body of the President has given special attention, but that the President has sworn or less by hand on the Bible, he had had with the young lady.
My personal opinion: first
In terms of global stink about the history, Mr. Clinton committed a crime really NOTHING
second If the vote with Mr. Obama and the Wizard, that was six Jahren auch NICHTS – soweit das weder ihm, noch ihr, noch seiner und ihrer Familie, noch den Vereinigten Staaten geschadet hat
3. Es sind weder Herr Clinton, noch Herr Obama, noch Herr Viktor S., die die Schuld tragen, sondern diejenigen, die durchs Schlüsselloch schauen und das Gesehene publik machen, um davon zu profitieren.
4. Die zehn Gebote müssen dringend aktualisiert werden durch:
10a: „Du sollst die Schnauze halten“ und
10b: „Du sollst dich nicht erwischen lassen“.
Nebenbei bemerkt: Was glauben Sie, warum ist die sechs Jahre alte Geschichte mit Obama ausgerechnet jetzt publik geworden? Steht das in irgendeinem Zusammenhang mit den verheerenden Überschwemmungen in the southern U.S., with the oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico and other inconveniences in the United States? Or can it be pure coincidence?
Finally, a fitting joke by Anton Chekhov. "If you betrayed your wife - was happy that she has deceived you, not the fatherland"
Or is just about the women?
to verify I have now googled briefly and found:
Vera Baker (you know who that is) comes from Google at more than 2.8 million hits.
Monica Lewinsky (you remember who that was?) Must content themselves with silly 733 000 points. To remain
in Latin: Sic transit gloria mundi.
This text should have been titled "Obama Sex" should have. He had many more visitors determined harvested. But since my blog appears on the website of a reputable news agency, who I had that concern.
you soon.