Hey guys!
now it's my turn to give you a live report from the "danger zone" and I'm a little exicted about it. Since we have started shooting on this year's Easter weekend, we have managed to bring some of the scenes to life and the results are quite stunning.
But just like Matti did in the first entry of the "Directors' Blog," I'd like to introduce myself to you. I'm Catherine (or just Rina ), director, camera woman, sound / music / film editor, co-author, advisor, shoulder to cry on and girl for everything at Dark Moon. This package is summarised by the label of Atziluth Entertainment. I'm on the project since the very start and it's wonderful and exicting to watch how the vision is more and more coming to life. And with the shooting started, the story of »Dark Moon Fairytales« is beginning to really take it's shape.
Since the end of 2006 (is it that long ago already?), when Claudia first told me of her idea for this project, I was thinking about how to put »Dark Moon Fairytales« in sound and vision best. Storytelling also works with the use of the technical equipment, even if it’s just the handling of a camera.
Everything was put to the test on Good Friday, the first official day of shooting. Until then we had shot under very easy circumstances, e.g. for our Inner Senshi Special . Very easy, because we hadn’t been limited by a script. The actresses and actors could come to terms with there roles, while I was trying to familiarise myself with our new camera. The Christmas Special of 2007 was shot with a simple and older DV-Cam indeed.
If Mother Nature meant it well, when she gave us pure sunshine of the April 10, 2009 is anybody’s guess. Because we started shooting the opening sequence of the Inner Senshi with high-contrast shadows and rather insufferable 90 degrees. Melissa (Jupiter), Jessica (Mercury), Claudia (Moon), Daniela (Mars) and Melanie (Venus) were having a rough time in their wigs and warm school uniforms. So I give credit to all of them for giving their best even at the 10th attempt.
And a big thank you to Denise, too. Though she is occupied with the role of Sailor Pluto, she took the time to help me behind the camera on that Easter weekend. Only a month later, she was demanded in her role, as she and Jessica (Chibimoon) shot their first scene together. This was quite a premiere as well, because it is going to be one of the most complex scene in post production. But the reason for that won’t be revealed yet. Denise and Jessica were untroubled by heat, but by dozens of interested spectators.
You can imagine that, on set, it’s tough work for everyone. Every scene has to be shot from many different perspectives which means it takes at least 10 passes to shoot a scene. Assuming that there are no bloopers or technical errors, of course. Whereas those lead to very fascinating results. We had a great time together which made it worth the effort.
Well, by nightfall at the latest, it takes its toll, but the days were inspiring and funny. I have to thank everyone for that! Sadly I haven’t had the chance to shoot with all the cast, but this will definitely change in the upcoming months. There’s still a hell lot of work to do.
Here are some facts and figures:
Until now, we have shot 10 out of 63 scenes . They consist of 1.014 takes or 11,67 GB disc space. This makes it 101 takes per scene at an average. Hypothetically speaking, the film would contain of 6.388 takes of raw material which means an average of 1,2 GB per scene . Let’s better not calculate what this means in minutes ;)
So, these are the collective results from a total of 8 days of shooting. Maybe I should keep up with these statistics. Let’s see what they look like when we’re finished *g*
The next step is to go through the material and select those shots that could make it into a raw cut of the scenes. Otherwise it’s going to be a complete disaster on my hard drive. That is why I take my time in sighting the takes. But I have to admit, some of the outtakes are simply great ;). The photos speak volumes already…
This is a rather small selection. I could show you hundreds of dog photos. Absolutely fabulous! Thanks to Claudia and Denise who snapped these during the shooting.
What is happening to the material in the first cut? Well, maybe Matti and I can not just tell you about it, but show it to you next time. We hope you stay tuned and see you soon!
Best regards from Cologne,
Hey there,
Well, I am from the series with a live report from the Danger Zone . And I am a little excited. Since the official shooting begins at Easter we've got a lot of little scenes. And the recent results are surprising even for me.
But just like in Matti first entry "of the" Directors' Blog would like, I introduce myself. I'm Catherine (or just Rina ), director, cinematographer, editor, sound and music editor, co-author, consultant, shoulder to good cry and girls for everything from Dark Moon. All this, taken together, the label "Atziluth Entertainment." Since the earliest beginnings of the project I'm already there and still see with joy how everything grows and thrives. And now that we really have started with the movies, I can not wait to see what will adopt the final form of history.
Since the end of 2006 (is it really been that long?), As Claudia me for the first time their idea for the project described, I'm now even my thoughts on how to "Dark Moon Fairy Tales" probably the best in sound and could realize image. Storytelling works, finally, on the use of technical equipment and it was just the handling of the camera.
But here are a few figures
To date, were shot a total of 10 of 63 scenes . They consist of a total of 1014 Takes or 11.67 GB disk space. Calculated results in the average 101 takes per scene . Hypothetically, the film would be the rough draft that is from 6388 Takes , which in turn means an average of 1.2 GB per scene. How much is in minutes, we want to work out better at this point;)
So this is the outcome that has accumulated to a total of 8 full days of shooting with me. Maybe I should follow up these statistics to the completion of the project further. Let's see what the numbers will ultimately tell * g *.
The next step is the extensive examination of the material to find a selection of settings that are eligible for the rough cut of the question. Heil is this a mess on the Hard drive when you are not careful detail. That's why I take my time and separate the images very carefully from each other. But I must admit some of the outtakes have become really great;). The photos speak volumes already ...
Unfortunately this was only a small selection, I could show you hundreds of these photos. Absolutely fantastic! We thank Claudia and Denise, who have diligently snapped. can
But now the rough cut happens, Matti and I will next time maybe not just describe, even show. So always nice on the ball and see you soon! :)
Greetings from Cologne,
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