And hear again and we read texts like the old days ". Be around 2030 to make the U.S. attacks from space and it can also meet anywhere in Russia," said the Russian air force chief Alexander Selin last week. ( )
Not ten, 20 or 30 years. Just last week.
When we were middle of the Cold War. When the generals have forgotten the fate of the invincible Soviet Army, which has set itself and the Soviet Union prepared in effect to death. When the Americans and the Russians had not just been proclaimed at the highest level, a "reset" of Russian-American relations and launched new disarmament talks.
The saying seems to hold real: "The generals always prepare themselves before the last war" - even when they talk about the latest hi-tech masterpieces for weapons.
The Russian military today is not to be envied. Finally, even the people who think every now and then about the meaning of life, or at least over the meaning of their professional existence. And "even people" they want to "live well" and to earn good money that is. In addition there during the crisis period. As such, they must paint containing such a bogey on the wall.
this moment, Russia has no enemies. And certainly not enemies in the West.
me it's pretty obvious. Of course I understand the enemies of such countries or forces that threaten Russia's security and territorial integrity. (All other competitors are at most and rivals.)
It would be a shame about the place I would take now to support such a hypothesis. If the readers additional questions in this thesis arise, they are asked to send me this. We are welcome to discuss it. For now I put this theory but just walk into a room. Sapienti sat. No one denies
to the need of the armed forces. I did not. Only the armed forces would have to use real political objectives and not hunt for ghosts from the last century. Something is not for me.
were a few months ago, the Russian generals back a couple old-fashioned strategic bombers to Venezuela and . Fly In early August could maneuver the Russian admirals, two Russian submarines near the U.S. coast. ( ). Apparently, these activities appear to them useful and important.
Many a reader of wonder about why our web page says so much about armor, military etc.. Many a German colleagues my ironic that Russia teaches the fear of "the West in this way.
The other - problem is that Russia has fewer and fewer friends - in my view larger.
It can not be an accident, but it already smells more like a questionable legality that Moscow in recent years, even with the closest, falling out the "natural" allies has - first with the Ukraine, followed by Belarus. Not to mention all over Georgia. Even Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are now increasingly dependent on Russia.
power Moscow this really all right - and all the other all wrong? Moscow is about, in fact victims of a global anti-Russian conspiracy (with the U.S. at the top, of course, as so many paranoid now and then say)?
"Nobody in the world loves us," I heard once from a deputy in the Russian Parliament House of Commons. Question: Would a member of the Bundestag, such a formulation - "We love German nobody in the world" - does come to mind? Or a British, one French, one English members? Demonstrates such a question not of some complexes?
(And also:.. Under the United States is hardly a country in the world "loved" I have not noticed that there was ever a problem for the Americans)
What I think is the cause elsewhere.
Most foreign policy problems of Russia - was that in the West, East or in post-Soviet space - are rooted in my view, the core problem that Russland mit seiner postsowjetischen Selbstidentifizierung hat. Dieses treibt das Riesenland zunehmend in eine Selbstisolation. Dagegen müsste etwas unternommen werden, und zwar dringend.
Auf bald.
PS. Als dieser Text schon fertig war, habe ich mit Freude registriert, dass dieses Problem nicht mir allein Sorgen macht: ( )
Gut so.
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