The word for Sunday
for the purpose of exchanging gifts at our man for the film. He was working at the intersection for a friend, a thesis of a nascent cameraman. He played me this thing and I had to guess the object of what is at stake. After just a minute I said, confident of victory, I know it's about nothing. Wrong. The theme was lust. Ah, so the pomegranate, I said. If it fails to tell a story that takes you stop a symbol to argue that it's about what it means. It grew entwined Gespächspfade that led to identity problems and wanted to go as I am, he said, "I wanted to ask you something: How do you tell a story? I sit on a script level, so.
I was standing in his small, musty little room, cap in hand and said that we discuss the perhaps better by email. But he went on, he would have many scenes in my head and write them down, but he felt it increased. He always comes back to a point where it goes no further. I remembered the film project, work on which he and some friends for years. You want to apply to what they already have for funding. There are snippets. When I asked what they say and do because what the world looks like, comes to it, he starts to stutter. All this is still unclear, but of course, blame the other, because that is their role. He would not again, and so on (neuroses). This thing in mind, I told him that it needs a carrier, a superstructure, an idea that holds together the pieces and gives them a direction. Otherwise, the scenes hover in space like a notzlose collage of forms. Ah, yes, he says, he thought, that would by itself. Deduction.
I had to think of his artistic Schülerhaftigkeit because I have just a short film about a supposed film student, stumbled to go in there to be large and essential things that you want to show finally that you are not a flat head. What do you do? What religious, which is always, as the elevation is equal to at and you just have to tinker not only laborious itself. It is about the deadly sins, this time equal to everyone, not just lust. A student subject, I think, such as loneliness, sadness and anger. Something very basal, as we all know and that each is equal to heart. Let's call these students keyword artist. The (momentous) Keywords are placeholders for content or story. Because you do not think what you want to tell her, they build forms around a tag and produce a poster at a time. It is probably what you should expect from such film and art schools: they teach the craft with which one could implement ideas, if you know what would. The ideas, it is hoped, by itself, like love itself gradually into an arranged marriage ceases.
My suggestion to the dilemma between Abi and Art School Three years of compulsory military or related to (for the pacifists) in the soap factory.
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