Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Arcade Dart Machine Plans

Hostile boots on the Red Square

re state of war in Russia. Ironically, prior to the 65 anniversary of the war. The bland same old story - despite the proclaimed "new thinking" that Gorby 20 years ago, and despite the announced by Medvedev modernization course ...

Now, Russia's Communists and other "patriots", however, that representatives of the Allied countries during the Second World War their units for military parade on 9 May on Red Square to send. Because these were just NATO countries today. NATO and Russia is an enemy. The
Idea to invite the first time military from the U.S., Britain and France to the traditional parade dates back to President Dmitri Medvedev. Conservatively but attack the opponents of the idea of not the head of state, but Defense Minister Serdyukov. Mean and cowardly.

What is particularly uncomfortable but: Judging from the intense discussion in the Russian Internet, today there are a surprising number of Russians and Russians, in the West need an enemy and want to see an enemy. Too many "eternal yesterday" that are ready to dance to the tune of the pseudo-patriotic demagogue. Real serious paranoia symptoms. apply

For the opponents of the joint parade today, all as Enemies: both the Germans (well obviously), and the countries that fought on the side of the Soviet Union.

One day, but certainly Bundeswehr soldiers on parade on Red Square invited. This would be a final victory of the war, a victory of peace. I would certainly be it.

The invitation to Moscow is a clear signal from the Kremlin, the ideological war to try to put an end. Those who do protest, but no war. They live by war.


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