Monday, February 21, 2011

Can You Waterski On The Ocean In California

The luck of the lack of freedom

on 150 years ago, 19 February 1861, was abolished in Russia serfdom. A memorable date in many respects - but above all, because too many Russians and Russians are still of that time - consciously or unconsciously - to regret.

And not just (or not only) because it is still quite like to have a few or a few hundred slaves would (be honest: Who dreams of us do not like this, especially when the alarm clock shrieks at seven), but - the paradox - because they themselves want to be serfs.

by Anton Chekhov, whose father was not born a slave, is the famous quote that he had "the slave dripping" squeezed off. A tedious, painful work ...

the liberal Tsar Alexander II, who has 1861, the abolition of slavery and vile ventured several other reforms blew up, the grateful countrymen 20 years later, in the air. Children of the terrorists crashed 1917 Tsarism - a modern, "socialist" slavery in the Russian Empire produce. People could not be bought and sold, they were still without rights:

In the famous Soviet kolkhoz farmers, domestic passports taken away, lest they flee to the cities. Similarly, the enslaved were military personnel, enslaved in their own way, had the workers and engineers of the many arms factories feel ... All together they made a lot more than half the national population. A specific population group formed - especially in the several decades of Stalin's era - the prisoners and the prison guards. Could be because of the feel in this list missing the rest of the population is free?

therefore not surprising that so many citizens of the "post-Soviet" Russia have significant symptoms of the phenomenon that Erich Fromm called "Escape from Freedom" - and that in the most vulgar and most desolate form? Before the open society, which is another European thinker, Karl Popper, designed to be a desirable model for the future, terrified the Russians back almost to the opening under Gorby has shown - in the stifling stagnation cell in which you need to risk anything.

So many theorists describe such societies does nice "children" societies in which the "children" merely good, and should listen to Dad, who will care even for the well being of the "children". The well-known Russian film director Nikita Mikhalkov (Academy Award for "The sun, which deceived us"), Urururenkel wealthy aristocrats, which once had thousands of slaves, can be happy today about the "harmony" of the prevailing conditions in which the peasants perceived their landlords with gratitude and awe as quasi-parents. The paradox: in today's Russian society, he need have no fear, as a reactionary or simply occur as a fool. Almost all polls show

in Russia today, that most citizens of the giant empire today, on the 2nd Decade of the 21st Century, the Soviet Union's Brezhnev times - rated as the golden era of their own story - this easy and relatively bloodless flegmatische era of Soviet servitude. Stalin and now a majority is a thousand times rather than Gorby and Yeltsin. Are these people just "children" - or simply slaves in their heads?

is real impressive, and surprisingly the huge interest the story in today's Russia. The talk shows always turn to Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin, now and then to Khrushchev and Andropov. No, a "past" in the German sense of the word is not. The whole country just seems to move forward with the view to the rear. Or is it progressing forward in reality not at all? Correct: It is more likely on the spot, turning in circles and longs for being old Day. Since no help mantras and modernization, etc., which are now heard from the Kremlin ...

Today, Russia has no convincing future project - hence the interest is for the past. Who will have the Kremlin's tear solution from the stool, Russia's GDP "should be doubled by 2020"?

No, it's true but not entirely. Some possible objectives are to Russia see the horizon already: the 2014 Winter Olympics and the football World Cup 2018th

However, this reminds of the old Soviet joke. The early 60's Khrushchev had known, announced in 1980 the Soviet Union will live under communism. 1964 Khrushchev became the Rose Breeding sent to his dacha. Brezhnev came to power. And in 1980 it was said: Communism is indeed 1980 but do not worry - we have but the Olympics in Moscow!

As the attentive reader has probably noticed long ago if it is under the comments in the "Opinions" section on this website: "The opinion of the author does not have to agree with those of RIA Novosti." I do not know what is "the opinion of RIA Novosti" on the subject. And I confirm: with my opinion, it must not match.

you soon.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why Does My Pinky Toe Hurt

they say if i keep on watching those violent movies, a might turn out to be a criminal one day

A few hours ago I came back from his grandmother. We played cards for three, went on trips and talk about politics. The grandfather is a heap of misery, has the last two weeks, the pain refused to leave the house. We took him between us and dragged him for coffee. A piece of strawberry cake, he has got, but now the taste yet, he says, strawberries can be eaten only if it is precisely the time for it. When the others are away, he shows me where it is bleeding, his skin is constantly sore that it hurts to breathe still. The grandmother is more relaxed than they were a couple of weeks around him and takes care of his every move. Some Days, she says, is he not, in others it has already attracted the pants alone when I come.

the day before I drove off, I met C of Greifswald, which I had for five / six years (yes, I believe, something like that) not seen. She fell immediately out of the myth of Greifswald, which had hardened with me over the years of absence and has become a geographical embodiment of a standstill. Of course, to move the things we do not monitor, never. At least not in our head. It was always
ambbivalente memories of this city. On the one hand, it was a formative time of music, in the many good things happened, on the other hand, I am with the feeling the run away and then looked back with a hard gaze, which should kill the ghosts.

We were with a boy of that time at an art opening and met by chance another Greifswald Erin. She worked there came up to us, did advertising and we were talking at breakneck speed put us finally on the move between the images through and gasping for champagne glasses in passing. Every two, for the others who had already some, but does not matter. The program was constantly interrupted by friends of hers, whom she kissed the cheeks, walked away and waved, holding her fingers to his ear to say: we call! She talked with the typical Livened nature, bring with them such jobs. Her gaze sweeps the room, the back there is an actor? I think so, not have to watch, I know the face, one day there was my intern, now he has his own gallery next door. The student comes to us, one of those very large, always smiling, handsome men, whose remarks are too smooth, as if that will take them seriously. When asked about his success, he says: It has character and therefore it is still employed. I however have none. This is the reason. I am a boot-licker.

When they sheer excited feelings or the champagne poured into the cut, I went back to the other two and we were sitting on stairs and turned cold cigarettes as before. I remembered the nights in front of Pari with all the wine bottles, the dark-red mouths and rushing faces. Always has been hoped to anyone in particular, only in the evenings quite desperate, because you have been happy about anyone who could sit next to you. I liked those lost in my youth always very happy that you did not know exactly where to sleep, in this city, to the full with the first train back, that was allowed to take driving and always the bottle in his hand and a few Insults on the tongue.

Now suddenly everything is very orderly. Before a trip, a hotel room is booked, the drinks are purchased locally and anyway everything is in perfect safety. In the taxi I think: The life of a cowboy looks different.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Yamaha Powered Mixer To Crossover

The myth adulthood

Again and again I meet women (for it occurs to me, especially for women, although it is safe in men as well, only perhaps less surprisingly) not at my age, but some are over it and then totally surprising to me behave like school girls. It was years ago with a previous instructor of mine. How we met at a lecture, or better, we were both too early, I stood and smoked and because I attended a seminar with her, she was a little unsure as to whether this is ok, just help me. I asked in my embarrassment at what she works for and she just said something like causality and responsibility (which I suppose in hindsight, because they then used published a book). At that time it was a subject such as flu shots for me, not even what occurred to me one more question. So I nodded and realized that she is as helpless before me as I do. She looked like twelve, so clumsy, and bit her lower lip. It was not as if we were we were unsympathetic and when it would be an annoyance to meet one another, quite the contrary, we were (so at least my perception) is very interested in each other, just as we do not know how the cat is best at tail grab. In order not muted to stand together, they asked me who I will write my final paper and when I tell her that, she said, good man, as they have made a good choice, and disappeared because of a passing of their colleagues and took her in the entrance .
did today then I have a short e-mail chat with a friend, normally, just as the lecturer, one of the very sovereign women, is facing one tends to be a bit too much respect was and is startled when she sometimes what wrong. She wrote to me, even though we are legally be otherwise with one another, as sick in bed and sent me links to any things which she has in her delirium just reinzog. My God! I thought that is exactly such a child as we all know what is obviously not a very spectacular insight.
But the amazing thing is however, as the myths reason overgrow. Suddenly you're surprised by something you know very well in theory and eternally so. Just a few days before
(or was it yesterday? I can not remember for the life), I listened to a lecture enlightenment. It was the description of someone who is just amazed by a metropolitan center of self-knowledge and so I thought: How many layers and types of knowledge but it is. Typically you would go so out of two: this is the theoretical knowledge and on the other hand, the experience of knowing. But during those two Offenbahrungsstunden did us before so, as though there is a lot more shading and I remembered my Grübel years in which my mind does not get bored, thousands of times to revolve around the same opportunity (you guessed it, it had dealing with an unhappy love affair, but nothing like this). This was possible because I am very old and rancid knowledge always fresh as a daisy and somehow different to the brain fluttered. I'm always thinking: What were you then stupid that you have not understood everything, and when I fetched the books look took out and wanted to see how stupid I was, I found that I was not even an idiot such as thought, some even earlier had recognized a similar way.
You could of course think that this is a memory problem and the novelty of the idea due to forgetting. But I do not think so. Rather, I believe that there are between theory and practice far more complex ramifications, as a suspect, the distinction between knowledge and understanding can be. Shortly after Christmas I was

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Business Name Ideas For Interior Design

The word for Sunday

for the purpose of exchanging gifts at our man for the film. He was working at the intersection for a friend, a thesis of a nascent cameraman. He played me this thing and I had to guess the object of what is at stake. After just a minute I said, confident of victory, I know it's about nothing. Wrong. The theme was lust. Ah, so the pomegranate, I said. If it fails to tell a story that takes you stop a symbol to argue that it's about what it means. It grew entwined Gespächspfade that led to identity problems and wanted to go as I am, he said, "I wanted to ask you something: How do you tell a story? I sit on a script level, so.
I was standing in his small, musty little room, cap in hand and said that we discuss the perhaps better by email. But he went on, he would have many scenes in my head and write them down, but he felt it increased. He always comes back to a point where it goes no further. I remembered the film project, work on which he and some friends for years. You want to apply to what they already have for funding. There are snippets. When I asked what they say and do because what the world looks like, comes to it, he starts to stutter. All this is still unclear, but of course, blame the other, because that is their role. He would not again, and so on (neuroses). This thing in mind, I told him that it needs a carrier, a superstructure, an idea that holds together the pieces and gives them a direction. Otherwise, the scenes hover in space like a notzlose collage of forms. Ah, yes, he says, he thought, that would by itself. Deduction.
I had to think of his artistic Schülerhaftigkeit because I have just a short film about a supposed film student, stumbled to go in there to be large and essential things that you want to show finally that you are not a flat head. What do you do? What religious, which is always, as the elevation is equal to at and you just have to tinker not only laborious itself. It is about the deadly sins, this time equal to everyone, not just lust. A student subject, I think, such as loneliness, sadness and anger. Something very basal, as we all know and that each is equal to heart. Let's call these students keyword artist. The (momentous) Keywords are placeholders for content or story. Because you do not think what you want to tell her, they build forms around a tag and produce a poster at a time. It is probably what you should expect from such film and art schools: they teach the craft with which one could implement ideas, if you know what would. The ideas, it is hoped, by itself, like love itself gradually into an arranged marriage ceases.
My suggestion to the dilemma between Abi and Art School Three years of compulsory military or related to (for the pacifists) in the soap factory.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What To Put Inside Sub Woofer Box

Good morning

Slight headache and a new laptop next door. The postman chased him up and handed a surprisingly soft and lightweight. So be it. For days it rains. Today would have a good day to write, I would not soon to work. It will take some time before I leveled off there area. Currently, there is still so when I was a perfect victim of my moods and feelings. In a few weeks later than I would my status again be able to drive better, the hope. Because of a
Abbrunchs I will probably soon be Onlinemoderatur what I'm looking forward. I remember that I used to love to go in fora. That was the time when the Internet was still relatively brand new. Either I was sitting in the office of my father's just solid, in the bedroom of my mother, who had been given a computer from work or after school in Anklamer savings bank. The youth had an area where students could stay after school and where there were two slow computer, that you could online. There I spent hours together with P. until it grew into a kind of addiction, which has nowadays everyone. Just yesterday I installed the Lord has a feature that I now get a message when on one of my many e-mail addresses received a message that saved me all these yahoo-games. In any case, the times were full of goods in this strange Forum Freaks! There are more than liabilities arising from the so-called reality. My first boyfriend and I had so many others that have been important, too. For me it was not such a non-binding medium, as some specialists, who claims to attribute the virtual lies and deceit. Since the people could finally choose to wisdom and wit and was not misled by the impression of their noses.
So breakfast.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Liver Toxicity Accutane


It's the last meters of the revision, but I'm too exhausted to follow through this now. Everything hurts. I'm just not used to keeping my ass on as physical way to move. The excitement of a newcomer to prevent one that I take breaks and even I drink something. I just walk the whole time through the store, do my duties and dry up. Wednesday, the next layer. Saturday instruction in the secrets of making coffee with S., the bioinformatics expert who has winked at me a few times, when we were occupied baguettes. Wink is a bit out of fashion, it seems. Perhaps because it is associated too strongly with sweaty men, beside which you want to sit in no case on the plane, or people have simply forgotten how to move their bodies asynchronous half.

In the shower I looked down at my scared earlier and found a paunch. Brought me to safety, Santa, this rascal. In any case, follow from it now but a few resolutions, and all have to do with salad.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Skinny Tie With Short Sleeve Shirt = hs9iqu83E9Y

The disease is almost ready swollen. Swallowing causes no more pain, just a little cough and cold have stayed in memory. Now shake the table and the milk foam, I build again on the coffee stands stubbornly in the glass.
I have read some of the inattentive time and still looked a lot more movies. I was reading entries for Pysik and I remember how I was about a year ago had an attack of physics teacher, although that would be the worst horror of all: a day to go back to school. But a second study seems to me impossible, given this view. If I do in schools pass by, usually with orange nets and milk cartons in hand, then I pull involuntarily shoulders and go hunker down vulgarities that make this no-longer-children and not-yet-adults permanently on its own. But this looks already. As a child I had those places where people were bundles, smoking and waiting for victims, so hated that I took miles of detours or me for an hour in a hidden corner. My former internship will
give me something for Christmas, he writes, and I fear in my ways now and I still practice surprised faces in the mirror, I aufetzen be when he comes around the corner and asks: If they have not received my mail? All these stupid fears that, given the Erfarung fully inflated and unreasonable, are with my childhood verschnürrt when I long took my knapsack the street and from afar who saw the salute I too soon when they pass directly to me have. From this view completely disintegrated, I went and got her mouth then often from sheer worry but not on. When I saw yesterday

many small films by Guy Maddin, I took a fancy to go swimming and to hysterical dramas such as operas or Pollesch, where a lot of crying and moaning, because in real life, everything is always so slow and without feeling.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pregnancy Symptoms 11dpo

Dark Moon 2010 / 2011

Hey guys,

first of all, here's a HAPPY NEW YEAR to each of you. Unbelievable that 2010 has already past. Everything went pretty fast at the end of the year. Germany didn't really have a summertime and winter has come too quickly again. Snow and Ice prevent shooting for some time now. In addition we had many changes in the private life of our cast and crew members. That is why we have been so quiet in the last few weeks.

With 2011 filling the calender, there's an opportunity to take a look at the last 12 months. What has happened? The most important event for Dark Moon in 2010 was the release of our first official teaser trailer for Dark Moon Fairytales . The production was an unexpected tour de force for Matti and me, as we had to handle a giant amount of data (e.g. 1 take took ca. 180 MB) and to bridge a distance of almost 500 kilometers between us. It was a trial by fire. We had to create a look for the film and therefore needed to work on each take and sequence. But the final vid was worth it and the resonance was absolutely amazing! Our Youtube Channel has more than 470 subscribers and countless comments by now. We also had a great deal of feedback on devianArt , Facebook and at Connichi 2010. That's why we'd like to thank all our friends and supporters for stayling with us all the way since 2006. Thank you very much for your passion and appreciation!

We tried to shoot as many scenes as possible in the very few sunny months of 2010. Sadly we could shoot as much as we had hoped to. We are a very large project and getting time scheduling is a tough thing to do. The more so as some of as are almost 1000 kilometers apart. So we hope we can make some changes in our management to proceed faster in 2011.

Until we have bigger news again, we are putting pics and photos online. You'll find many of them on our dA account like this:

by * DarkMoonProject on deviantART

These three ladies were seen in banner format on our booth at Connichi 2010. There will be a feature about them here in our journal as they are the key characters of the film. But I'll have to put you off for a little while once more. I'm trying my best, but my studies are taking most of my time recently: (

Greetings from the German North

Hello my friends, first and foremost a

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you . Hard to believe that 2010 is behind us. Towards the end of the year everything was once again very quickly. There was a summer last year and barely broke even the winter come back too quickly. Since November he has been once again Germany under control. Not just turning friendly weather. There are also some private but still breaks at the crew and Cast members have also provided for delay, why was it not in the past few weeks, once again very quiet around us.

The new year offers the possibility, however, a look at the past 12 months to throw. What is happening? Probably the most important event for Dark Moon in 2010 was the publication of the first teaser trailer for real Dark Moon Fairy Tales to Connichi 2010th The completion was an unexpected show of strength for Matti and me because we are not only vast amounts of data (example: Take one average was 180 MB in size) to process, but also bridge a distance of nearly 500 miles between us . Had It was our first small trial by fire. We had the look of the film ever defining first and accordingly revise the most shots on several occasions. But in the end the result is worth it. And the response was overwhelming! Meanwhile, our Youtube Channel more than 470 subscribers, numerous comments on video and in our channel and a lot of positive feedback. Also on devianArt , Facebook Connichi and even the new trailer was very well received! We would therefore like to thank our loyal friends and supporters who help to us since 2006. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm! The

Sun spent a few months, we have to labor with new footage for the film. Sorry, could not be turned so much as we wished. We're still a fairly large force, and the schedule is anything but easy. Especially since some of us live almost 1,000 miles apart. Therefore, for 2011, a few organizational changes are being sought, so we have to speed.

it up again are major news, but we always new photos at deviantArt online. For example even for this:

Senshi by * darkmoon project on deviantART

The three women were to be regarded in large format as a banner at our booth during the Connichi 2010th Soon there will be a major feature to give them here in the Live Journal. Until then, I have to you, unfortunately, still a little put off (

Greetings from the north,