Thursday, May 21, 2009

Antique Projectors Prices

@ 2009-05-22T07:40:00

advance: Star Trek I have before 1 1 / 2 weeks seen, also wrote a long entry to create, but somehow I never got to finish writing it: that's why short: I was excited, apart from a few little things. And I'm looking forward to the hopefully the next movie to see more of McCoy:)

Next: If my test results continue to look like so far (two notes I have), I will apply for gifted education for young professionals and then to a fernuni next to my work study at the IDF. But what?

Potsdam offers me "Library and Information Science", the perfect setup for my education, but is there:
Required Items:
- Completed training in libraries
- Three years of professional experience
two together, the three years is equivalent to the training or ... ? I must ask again. If I had three years of professional work before I can finally study, would have done with the gifted.

In Hagen distance I would possibly tend to 'Political and Administrative Sciences, vll but also to "Economics".
former would fit better in my profession, the latter interests me more.
should at least take an entrance examination for both I, as I have only technical college.

Study of studying at will? Maybe.
But actually it's more to me about not stopping.
on my future work I will be all alone, what gives me many advantages, but lack of communication with like-minded colleagues.
And at a 3 / 4 point, I have not the time to engage myself with studying, especially since this would then also be largely financed by a scholarship. Why should I not use then?

Well, we wait for the last two notes ... :) Especially for


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