Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Krocodile Fishing Clip


was the evening of the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989 I was in Berlin. Even today, this image is madness before my eyes. "Wow," I heard from all sides. "It is a Waaahnsinn" The entire German vocabulary was reduced to this single word I heard a thousand times that night. The German people did not have the Words.

When I went back a month later went to Moscow, Berlin or in all the signs are that there will be for the foreseeable future, two German states. The East Berlin - and the other DDRler - were still mad love to West Berlin (and collected like the West German "Arrival") and returned without wondering about it, that free cheese is in fact available only in a mousetrap.

more surprising, I felt the rapid reunification process, which I then in the following months from a distance - watched - by far-seer indicated. The sticking point, after all, only ran in the direction of reunification, and all that stood in the way, was swept away, I missed halt. What I heard after that were mostly complaints of my acquaintances and friends in East Berlin, which had to reunification with the loss of their jobs and other painful inconvenience. East Berlin, one of my acquaintance whom I had known as a frenetic East German critic, took his life at that time.

I was lucky to even the next world-historical turning point to be there, namely the attempted coup in August 1991 in Moscow. The consequences of this change I have experienced directly as citizens of the crumbling Soviet Union. The complaints of the people that the fall of the Soviet empire and with it the previously experienced by the Soviet Communist Party-controlled life firsthand, I already heard from the immediate area ...

In connection with the anniversary of the reunification of me is now a newspaper cartoon from the early 90's occurred years. Two pictures, "before" and "after". The "before" image: a fragmented Europe, left and right of the monolithic Soviet Union. The "after" picture: The opposite of this - a united Europe and left the shattered colossus right.

So what we have 20 years on - here and there. Lame animals on both sides, that of course. Only: both from geopolitical point of view and from the perspective a poor devil is out there and there only one thing: the Germans (in mass) is clearly more of - the German and European - union benefits when the Russians by decay. Geopolitical certain: Germany is one of the dominant EU countries, while Russia stands in the ruins known as CIS. Moscow's latest dispute with Belarus as well as the previous trouble with Ukraine, Georgia etc. testify repeatedly that Russia stands pretty much alone. Middle of the mess. Which is pretty uncomfortable, yes.

As for the poor wretch, so this is obviously not anywhere to be envied. But a Moscow ordinary people (I count myself among them) impressed in Berlin, the house prices. An average 60-square-foot two-bedroom condominium in Moscow is five times more expensive than exactly the same apartment in Berlin. One of my acquaintances in Berlin explains the rather trivial: In Berlin, there is no work. Five times the difference is explained that for me is not. are five times more work it is not in Moscow. And Moscow do not earn five times as much as the Berliners. Something is wrong because not easy. Both geopolitical as well as from the standpoint of the poor devils seen. A frenzy is on this

soon. In August


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